Pastor Sylvia's Enconters with God in the Midst of Everyday Life


A weekly column that is short, pithy and relevant.  It deals with Pastor Sylvia's encounters with God in the midst of everyday life.


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 Do You Have a Super Power?

It’s been a tough week. Sometimes I wish I could have just one or two God-like super powers. I don’t want the responsibility of having them permanently. Probably just a few hours would be enough to make me feel better.

When I listen to my friends and relatives I often feel discontented with how God is running the show. 

“The Great I Am” created the earth and all that is in it. So how hard would it be to find jobs for a few of my neighbors, healing for a couple friends, salvation for children whose parents drag them to church on Sundays…  and then some eye-popping, indisputable and obvious miracle that would catch everyone’s attention and propel them forward in their faith journeys? 

Why isn’t God more obvious and immediate? He clearly revealed himself through wondrous signs and miracles in the Old Testament. Why shouldn’t we expect the same today? 

Atheist Bertrand Russell was once asked what he would say if after death he met God.  He replied, “God, you gave us insufficient evidence.” At first when I read Russell’s words I was horrified. They sounded impudent and blasphemous. But then I turned to my Bible and realized that even people of great faith have felt the same as me. Maybe you have also.

The psalmist wrote, “God, are you avoiding me? Where are you when I need you?”  (Psalm 10:1) “All day long people knock at my door, pestering, ‘Where is this God of yours?’” (Psalm 42:3) “I counted on you, God. Why did you walk out on me?” (Psalm 43:2) 

And what about Job? “Please God; I have two requests; grant them so I’ll know I count with you. First, lay off the afflictions; the terror is too much for me. Second, address me directly so I can answer you, or let me speak and then you answer me… Why do you stay hidden and silent?” (Job 13:20 – 24)

Theologians offer many explanations for why God chooses to remain hidden so much of the time. He is growing our faith. Our sins make Him difficult to see. We have the Bible and the words of Jesus; that should be enough.

None of those answers work for me.     

Then, driving home from church this morning I realized that God is hiding in plain sight, in the last place I often look for Him—the church. That is where I hear the stories that reawaken my faith, but there is more…

The church is also a God-created community where each of us has an opportunity to feel his touch. This is where we become God’s hands and feet, his eyes and mouth. This is where we become his representatives, courageously going into our own broken places so that we can be used to heal and bless those same places in others.    

For centuries God has worked through faithful servants to create a community so that he can efficiently administer his love to those who believe in His Son.

I see God in the dramatic and victorious, the miraculous and the amazing. More often I experience him in worship and liturgy, prayer and communion, service and sacrifice. He sits in the pew or chair or on the bench next to mine. He makes me laugh. He encourages me through a simple hymn sung by someone who also loves him and yearns for His touch. 

Even when the week is tough, I always feel expectation and excitement. What is God planning behind the scenes? How does He plan to show up when I least expect it?

If you belong to a church, you’ve been given a position of great privilege. God spoke to the ancients. We get to hear his undeniable voice today, even if we don’t have any special super powers. Wait! Maybe that is a super power.


Resilience As A Path To Holiness

What is the Wallet Analogy?

The Pygmalion Effect

What is Your Story

Encouraged by Pooh

It's Who Owns Us

Whose Faith Will You Copy?

What I Want in the New Year

A Christmas Letter From Jesus - 2023

Remembering That Santa and God Work Together

Mystery of the Holy Night

What Did She Know

A Soft and Grateful Heart

Silently Unsettled

We Belong to Each Other

Do You Wish to Huge or Tiny?

Learn To Say No


Sylvia and Husband John have published a new book,



LAURA AND ME; A Sex Offender and Victim Search Together to Understand, Forgive, and Heal

THE RED DOOR; Where Hurt and Holiness Collide

Availible at Amazon and Barns and Noble