Pastor Sylvia's Enconters with God in the Midst of Everyday Life


A weekly column that is short, pithy and relevant.  It deals with Pastor Sylvia's encounters with God in the midst of everyday life.


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A Christmas Letter From Jesus - 2023

This year’s Christmas letter from Jesus is an excellent reminder of his sovereignty and his love. Twenty-four hundred years after his birth, we need him more than ever. 

My Dear Children,

It has come to my attention that many of you are upset about a variety of things. Perhaps you could lay them all aside for a few days and consider what I would really like for my birthday this year.

Remember the wise men from the east who visited me after my birth? They brought me extravagant and expensive gifts. These were not in a grand celebration of their wealth, but as symbols of their sacrificial adulation. The cost was not the issue; they wanted me to know that they recognized me as their sovereign king, human companion, and the one who was sent to wage war against evil, replacing it with grace and goodness in the hearts of those who love me.

With that in mind, if you want to give me a present in remembrance of my birth this is my wish list:   

  • There continue to be vitriolic arguments among you about the leaders you elect. Some of them work very hard, but not for the things you want your government to do. Others are poor custodians of your trust. A few are outright crooks. I want to remind you that I am able to work through bad kings as well as good kings. Anger and criticism has never improved any situation. For my birthday I would like you to pray for those in positions of power instead of yelling at the television set during the national news. The person you live with and your pets would appreciate this also.

  • Buy me a large box of cheerful cards. Spend the next twelve months sending them out to your friends, relatives, and the places you do business. When you make someone smile, it touches my heart.  

  • There are many, many people who are homeless this year and the numbers will go up in 2024. Don’t just shake your head and mutter, “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.” Don’t wonder what they did to be forced onto the street. Don’t suggest that it is a punishment from me. Be grateful that you have a home and a warm bed. Then express your gratitude by purchasing socks from the dollar store, hamburgers from the fast-food establishment, and order a few bibles from the Gideans. Those are my feet that are cold and wet. Those are my stomachs that are growling. Those are my children that feel hopeless. Give them gifts for my birthday that meet a need, and do it with a grateful heart.

  • Don’t just give your children lots of gifts you can't afford and they don't need. Instead, spend time with them. Tell them about my birth and why I chose to be born. Hold them. Remind them how loved they are. They need to experience me through the gift of you.    

  • Pick someone who has hurt you in the past and forgive him or her. I know that’s hard, but do it for me. (Yes, this was on last year’s list, but you have some new offenders. Hopefully, someone is also forgiving you.)

  • You keep reminding me that there is much evil in the world. Crime statistics are up. Wars have broken out. Many, many people have died. As hard as this is for you to understand, it is all part of a plan you aren’t able to see. For my birthday, I would like an act of compassion from you. Mourn with those who weep. Sit with the dying. Take the widows and orphans into your homes, your churches, and your hearts. I need your intercessions.   

  • And finally, I would like a birthday that is filled with grace. Be kind to yourself. Honor me with both your words and your actions. Each day that you grow to be more like me is like a brightly-wrapped birthday present I unwrap and enjoy.

Finally, have a most blessed Christmas with all those I’ve placed in your life. And never forget how much I love you. 



Remembering That Santa and God Work Together

Mystery of the Holy Night

What Did She Know

A Soft and Grateful Heart

Silently Unsettled

We Belong to Each Other

Do You Wish to Huge or Tiny?

Learn To Say No

Our Holy Assignment

Is Hamas Fulfilling Ancient Prophecy?

What Would Jesus Do

This Little Light

Whom Shall I Send?

Thy Kingdom Come

Pickling Asparagus

Where My Heart Is

Why I Didn't Go To Woodstock


Sylvia and Husband John have published a new book,



LAURA AND ME; A Sex Offender and Victim Search Together to Understand, Forgive, and Heal

THE RED DOOR; Where Hurt and Holiness Collide

Availible at Amazon and Barns and Noble